2020-2021 North American Board Elections Packet

Home » 2020-2021 North American Board Elections Packet

Teen leadership is one of the highest priorities within NFTY. There are many opportunities, on local, regional and North American levels, to be involved in peer-to-peer and adult-teen leadership experiences. NFTY’s Asefah business meeting is a time to review legislation and, once a year, to elect the new NFTY North American Board. This year, elections will take place on Sunday, February 16th at NFTY’s Veida.

If you are interested in running for the 2020-2021 NFTY North American Board, please review the North American Board Candidate Packet and have all materials turned in by January 15, 2020. Please read the packet in its entirety and fill out all the included forms.

If you have any questions, please contact NFTY President, Maya Levy nftypres@urj.org or NFTY Director of Engagement, Lynne Butner lbutner@urj.org. We are happy to answer any questions you might have.

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