NFTY B’Yachad 2023

Home » NFTY B’Yachad 2023

NFTY B’Yachad: A Virtual Gathering for NFTY Teens Across North America March 4th & 5th, 2023


B’Yachad (ביחד) is the Hebrew word for together or “as one.” With this being our first NFTY North American weekend-long event of the 2022-2023 year, we named and planned the event to highlight all of our movement coming together.

NFTY B’Yachad 2023 is open to all NFTYites in grades 9-12. We are excited to see the wonderful TYG leaders, regional leaders, and North American leaders at the event!

At NFTY B’Yachad 2023, we will not be having North American elections or Asefah (meeting/assembly). More information regarding elections and North American leadership for the 2023-2024 year will be sent out in early February, so please stay tuned.

NFTYites from all regions will gather together on Zoom at NFTY B’Yachad 2023 to build our shared movement! We will develop skills essential to leadership and workshop ways to share our regions’ strengths and grow together as one.

To experience programs and prayer opportunities led by teen leaders, engage with new and old friends from across North America, and develop our shared community, please join us at NFTY B’Yachad 2023 on March 4th and 5th! You can join us for the whole weekend or just a couple sessions of your choosing! View our schedule here: NFTY B’Yachad 2023 Schedule, and please register by February 21st. Can’t wait to see you then!

Rosh HaShana 2023

Rosh HaShana 2023

Rosh HaShana: Following Our Hearts and Forgiving Mistakes By: Madeline Barenboim - 2023-2024 Religious and Cultural Vice President of BOFTY (Temple Beth El of Boca Raton, FL), from her Rosh HaShana d'var Torah  For me, Judaism has always been a big part of my...

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How a Community Grows Great

How a Community Grows Great

How a Community Grows Great By: Ariel Eisen, NFTY-SW President 2022-2023   One day, he was walking along the road when he saw a certain man planting a carob tree. Honi said to him: This tree, after how many years will it bear fruit? The man said to him: It will...

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