Urge Congress to Enact Policing Reform

Home » Urge Congress to Enact Policing Reform
Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Dreasjon “Sean” Reed, and George Floyd are just some of the latest victims of the nation’s long history of brutality against People of Color, and particularly Black men. As we witness protests in Minneapolis, Louisville, and across the United States we see an all-too-familiar anger, frustration, and pain. Changes to federal laws are vital to ensure that law enforcement training, use of force policies, and data collection address historic and systemic racial injustices.
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Rosh HaShana 2023

Rosh HaShana 2023

Rosh HaShana: Following Our Hearts and Forgiving Mistakes By: Madeline Barenboim - 2023-2024 Religious and Cultural Vice President of BOFTY (Temple Beth El of Boca Raton, FL), from her Rosh HaShana d'var Torah  For me, Judaism has always been a big part of my...

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How a Community Grows Great

How a Community Grows Great

How a Community Grows Great By: Ariel Eisen, NFTY-SW President 2022-2023   One day, he was walking along the road when he saw a certain man planting a carob tree. Honi said to him: This tree, after how many years will it bear fruit? The man said to him: It will...

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