Moving Forward with NFTY

Home » Moving Forward with NFTY

To be a NFTYite means being a leader.
To be a NFTYite means pushing our movement forward.
To be a NFTYite means coming together in difficult moments.
To be a NFTYite, means remembering where you came from so you know where you are going.
To be an Alum of NFTY means to be a NFTYite for life.
You are forever a NFTYite, and we need your voice now more than ever.

NFTY is entering its 81st year as a youth movement and is now at a pivotal point in our existence. As a result of COVID-19 and the changing world, NFTY is on the cusp of a new chapter. As alumni, we have all contributed to NFTY’s story, building a foundation that the current and future NFTYites will add to. Given your contributions as a NFTY alum, we want to invite you to share your experience with us to help draft the next chapter of NFTY’s story.

As we begin this new chapter, please join in partnership with NFTY teens and participate in Think Tank Meetings throughout the summer. To join in the conversation and learn more, visit These Think Tank Meetings will be held between June 15-July 3.

Join a Think Tank

Please partner with us as we continue the important work of engaging Reform Jewish teens.


NFTY Leadership Team

Looking Forward After The Collab

Looking Forward After The Collab

On October 7-9, nearly 80 teens from across the country joined together for the URJ Teen Collaborative (The Collab) at OSRUI in Wisconsin for the first in person North American youth get-together since the pandemic began. Since Veida 2020, we have both lost and gained...

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NFTY Has Been My Safe Space

NFTY Has Been My Safe Space

By: Riley Genevieve Miner | NFTY’s 5781-5782 Membership Vice President While I wish I could summarize what it means to serve on NFTY’s North American Board, the experience is indescribable. The teens who you serve on board with become your best friends and biggest...

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A Community Organizing Model for Teen Engagement

A Community Organizing Model for Teen Engagement

Da lifnei mi atah omed  -  דע לפני מי אתה עומד Know before whom you stand. (Talmud B’rachot 28b) High schoolers today are creating what Reform Judaism will look like for the next century. We are tuning our guitars and writing the melodies for prayers and songs that...

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The Collab: The URJ Teen Leadership Collaborative

The Collab: The URJ Teen Leadership Collaborative

The Collab: The URJ Teen Leadership Collaborative is a teen-powered, community-driven training retreat where teens will work together to grow and harness their power to begin organizing the Reform Jewish Youth Movement into an inclusive and sustainable movement. ...

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