August is Leadership Learning Month

Home » August is Leadership Learning Month

Hi NFTY! If you’re looking for an opportunity to build your leadership skills, the next three weeks are designed for you! We have three amazing leadership sessions happening each Wednesday at 6pm Eastern time for the rest of August, so come join us to grow your leadership, make friends, and have a great time!

Communication & Active Listening, Wednesday, August 19th at 6:00 pm ET/3:00 pm PT
At its core, successful teamwork is all good communication. In this leadership session, we will hone our communication skills, both when giving information as well as receiving information, so that we are able to be understood and understand others.

Peer-to-Peer Engagement, Wednesday, August 19th at 6:00 pm ET/3:00 pm PT
For many of us, NFTY is a place of deep connection. But how do you create that sense of deep connection for someone who has never been to a NFTY event before? In this leadership session, we’re going to learn how to use the model of peer-to-peer engagement to build meaningful connections with people we’ve never met, as well as how to make those people feel like they are an important part of our NFTY community.

Time Management and Delegation, Wednesday, August 26th at 6:00 pm ET/3:00 pm PT
A crucial skill for any leader is knowing how many projects you can take on and when you need to pass a task on to someone else. In this leadership session, we’re going to learn how to manage our time effectively and how to delegate tasks when there’s simply too much for one person to do.

Questions?  Email Josh Rosenblum – NFTY Programming Vice President 2020-2021

NFTY’s Impact On My Life

NFTY’s Impact On My Life

NFTY’s Impact On My Life By: Maya Kirzner - 2023-2024 NFTY Ohio Valley Communications Vice PresidentAs I start my last semester as a high school student, I have been taking a lot of time to reflect on my past four years and looking at what has left the biggest impact...

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Fellowship Fosters Community Amidst War in Israel

Fellowship Fosters Community Amidst War in Israel

Fellowship Fosters Community Amidst War in Israel By: Josh Jury, NFTY Teen  As a community organizer, what’s a pressing need for our community around Israel, and how can we call people to take action and repair the world? This is the question posed to those of us...

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Making Amends: A Message for Yom Kippur 5784

Making Amends: A Message for Yom Kippur 5784

Making Amends: A Message for Yom Kippur 5784 By Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaismand Jennifer Brodkey Kaufman, Chair of the URJ North American BoardIn the Mishnah, our ancient code of Jewish law, we learn: “For transgressions against God,...

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