NFTY Convention 2021 – Connect, Learn, Serve

Home » NFTY Convention 2021 – Connect, Learn, Serve

This year, we’re bringing your NFTY home straight to your house with a virtual NFTY Convention! We’re incredibly excited that more people than ever can get in on the fun.

We are all tired of Zoom, so we are working on finding an alternative virtual platform to host NFTY Convention that will allow us to meet as a full group for our only-at-NFTY Convention experiences, while also allowing us to break up into smaller groups and make personal one-on-one connections.

It’s easy to think of this as one more thing we’re missing out on in a year of COVID-19 cancellations, but we are choosing to look at this as an incredible opportunity. We hope you are as psyched as we are for this amazing weekend full of laughter, learning, ruach (spirit) fun surprises, and all the things that make NFTY so special.

Registration will open at the end of 2020/beginning of 2021. In the meantime, check out our FAQs and let us know if we can count you in for NFTY Convention – you will be the first to know when registration opens and can let us know if you would like to help with any planning, or if you just have a question. We cannot wait to see you February 5-7, 2021 at our first ever virtual NFTY Convention!

Want to know more? Watch our Big Reveal and  Check out our Frequently Asked Questions

Fletcher Block, NFTY President

But wait, there’s more: Have you heard that planning is underway for a Movement-wide gathering in May 2022? We’re excited to share that teens will be helping to shape this experience and will be part of this important event.  We look forward to seeing you in person at camp this summer, in May 2022 in Washington, DC and virtually with teens across the world for NFTY Convention 2021.

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