This year, even more so than before, teen leaders have taken the Reform Jewish Youth Movement into our own hands, making it a priority, and making our voices matter. Your vote represents your voice and we are so excited to be sharing the proposed roster for the 2023-2024 North American Leadership Team!
Voting will close at 3PM ET on Friday, April 21 and the new North American Leadership Team will be announced at the end of the week.
A highlight of our new structure is the absence of defined positions (except the President-role). The decision to remove titles pertaining to responsibilities is to create more fluidity in our North American leadership. We believe that giving leaders responsibilities beyond their titles will allow them to partake in the unique areas of leadership they desire; it will also allow them the space necessary to actualize their leadership potential.
President: Henry Barron (he/him) – (MAR)
Lainey Weissman (she/her) – (SAR)
Barak Landis (he/him) – (NAR)
Nadine Katz (she/her) – (NAR)
Ezra Frohlich (she/he) – (CWR)
Espi Reynolds (he/him) – (SOCal)

President: Henry Barron (he/him)
Hello everyone my name is Henry Barron. I use the he series pronouns and I am a senior from Durham, NC and will be attending Bates College in Maine next year. I am apart of cross country and track teams. In my free time I like to hangout with friends and enjoy good food.

Barak Landis (he/him)
Hey everyone! I’m Barak Landis and I’m so happy to be considered for the North American Leadership Team! I’ve been attending Camp Harlam since 2013, and started NFTY a bit early, crashing my first Nashir songleading workshop while in 4th grade! I’ve been the NFTY-NAR Programming VP for 2 years now, and am also a Heller High Graduate! I can’t wait to get to know you all!

Ezra Frohlich (she/he)
Hey! My name is Ezra and I use she / he pronouns. I’m a senior in Davis California and I love spending time with friends, reading and taking walks. My NFTY journey started in eighth grade and I instantly fell in love with the vibrant community I found. I’m taking a gap year this upcoming year and hope to dedicate my time to NFTY!

Espi Reynolds (he/him)
I am a 17 year old high schooler. I am about to graduate and go to college. In college I will play lacrosse and although I have only been a goalie for over a year this school wanted me and I really like it there. I am also a jew and have always love participating in my temple youth group event as well as being a camp counselor. I loved being apart of these amazing communities that these things have brought me, and a big goal I have is to bring that community to others.

Nadine Katz (she/her)
Hi! I’m Nadine, from Westchester New York, I’m the current NFTY-NAR President, and I love it so much! I am a senior this year, and will be spending next year at GW in Washington, d.c. My main hobbies are NFTY, and spending time with friends, I can’t wait to learn more about everyone!

Lainey Weissman (she/her)
Lainey is a junior from Atlanta. She is an honors student who is heavily involved in her school community. In her free time, she loves to sing, perform in musical theater, and bake. She has a strong passion for engaging in activism and advocacy work.