Announcing the 2022-2023 NFTY Staff

Home » Announcing the 2022-2023 NFTY Staff

The NEW Reform Youth Movement Staffing Structure and Open Positions! 

We are excited to share the new staffing structure for NFTY – the Reform Youth Movement!   Our new integrated approach leverages the full strength of NFTY, camps, synagogues, Israel Immersives, Fellowships, and the Religious Action Center to construct a powerful Reform Youth Movement where all can experience wholeness, justice, equity, love and joy in their Judaism.  We hope to provide the support needed for our full community  

The new staffing structure includes four full time director roles to support our work at the North American level, 19 part-time Regional Mentor roles, and 45 hours per week of contract hours to bring on mentors and organizers to partner with our teens and build new opportunities.   You can find an overview of the new staffing structure on these slides: 22-23 overall staffing structure

We are seeking passionate Jewish leaders for the following full-time positions on the new “Youth Organizing” team which includes NFTY and year-round teen engagement at the URJ.  Please share widely as we look for the right folks to fill these exciting roles!   

We are excited to share that Julie Marsh will be continuing her work with the NFTY North American board and mentors as the new Associate Director of Youth Organizing – North American Community.   Julie returned to the URJ five months ago as the North American Area Manager and we are thrilled to have her move on to this role in the new structure.   

We are also excited to share that Logan Zinman Gerber, past NFTY-CAR Regional Director, and current National Teen Campaign Organizer at the Religious Action Center, will be joining the new Youth Organizing team as the Director of Youth Organizing – Leadership Development.  Logan will be expanding her critical work at the RAC to include creating and implementing strategies for developing youth leaders across the URJ including NFTY and Fellowships.    

The 19 regional mentor roles will be filled through the summer through local conversations with teens and synagogue leaders.  They will begin their work in early August.   

A heartfelt thank you to the alumni and teens who helped with the overall structure and job descriptions for the new model: 

Lauren Stock (alum and Teen Engagement Organizer, RAC & URJ) 

Alexander Orth (teen) 

Ariel Eisen (teen) 

Sarah Malter (teen) 

Owen Thomas (teen) 

Cameron Samuels (teen)  

Mike Fuld (alum) 

Max Hendrix (alum)  

If you would like more information, please view our update and new model roll-out schedule, as well as the calendar of 2022-23 NFTY camp-hosted events.    

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